Monthly Archives: November 2019

Update on my Chanuka books

Chodesh tov! As it’s now the month of Kislev, I’d like to take this opportunity to update you on my YA Chanuka trilogy. The first two books, Swords and Scrolls and Spies and Scholars, are currently available at your local book stores and from Feldheim and are on the Black Friday sale today.

The third book, Secret and Sacred, with a newly updated cover, will soon be available in stores and from Feldheim also, IY”H.

Hope these books will help you and your children prepare for Chanuka and experience this beautiful holiday in a more meaningful way! Have a wonderful Shabbos!

E-book of my Tanach stories

Exciting news: six of my stories set in the times of the Tanach are now available as an e-book! All the stories were originally published in Hamodia’s Inyan Magazine, and with their permission, I’ve used their original illustrations and typesetting in the e-boook, The Return and Other Stories.

The e-book is available in two formats: PDF and Amazon kindle. It is meant to be used as part of the Ani VeAmi curriculum, but the stories will appeal to anyone who has studied Tanach, whether young or old, homeschooling or not.

Also, my article on the upcoming Israel Gap Year Fair was in last week’s Jewish Home, on page 5. If you know anyone thinking of spending a year in Israel, the fair offers a wealth of information.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!