Category Archives: Uncategorized

My article about the latest archeological discovery

This archeology article is on, for a change.

King Sennacherib’s Military Encampments: Ancient Mystery Solved

Hope you enjoy!

My article about a Jewish woman reclaiming her Igbo heritage

My article about Simhah Tamar reclaiming her Igbo heritage and moving from North Carolina to Sderot, Israel is up on

Reclaiming My Igbo Jewish Heritage

Also, look for part 2 of my story, The Gaon’s Gift, in this week’s Hamodia’s Inyan Magazine.

Have a good Yom Tov!

My article about a Jewish soldier in the German army in World War II

My article, The Jewish Soldier in Hitler’s Army, is up on It’s a fascinating story. Hope you enjoy!

My article about history and archeology of Be’er Sheva

The next article in the Jewish history and archeology series is up on

The Archeology of Tel Be’er Sheva and the Stories It Tells

Hope you enjoy!