Category Archives: Uncategorized

Chanuka book webinar this Sunday and an article in Jewish Home

I am hosting a webinar this Sunday, IY”H, that’s all about Chanuka books and their authors! Please join us!

Lighting up the world through books: How Chanuka books make this world a better place

Also, Jewish Home LA is now back to regular schedule, and my article about a new amazing organization helping families with children with special needs is in this week’s issue.

The Clubhouse: Inclusion for the Los Angeles Jewish Community

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

My Chanuka books are on sale at Feldheim!

My Chanuka trilogy is on sale… just in time for Chanuka! So if you don’t own my books yet, or if you’d like to get your favorite bookworm a Chanuka gift, or if you know people who would appreciate the links, here they are:

Swords and Scrolls (almost sold out, so buy soon!)

Spies and Scholars

Secret and Sacred

Please spread the word! And enjoy!


Chanuka book giveaway!

I teamed up with other Jewish authors, and we put together a Chanuka book giveaway. Please enter, and please spread the word!

Chanuka book giveaway

Good luck! 🙂

Article in Kankan Journal and Chanuka books

Chodesh tov! Looking forward to the extra light that this month brings into the world.

For history buffs, I have an article in the latest issue of Kankan JournalDid Jews Really “Control the Economy”? A Look at Jewish Merchants in the Early Middle Ages.

And for everyone – there are never too many Chanuka books! Here are some Chanuka books you and your family can enjoy this year (including mine), which I posted at Torah through Literature.

And if you’d like to do me a huge favor and share this post with family, friends, and on social media, I’d really appreciate it. Better yet, tell everyone to buy my books :).

I’m speaking at the Jewish Digital Homeschool Convention next week, IY”H

In conjunction with Ani VeAmi, I am organizing and speaking at the 2020 Jewish Digital Homeschool Convention. My topic, unsurprisingly, is Learning Torah through Literature. We are also planning on interviewing several of our favorite Jewish authors. Hope you can join us! And if you have any friends who are homeschooling or considering homeschooling, please spread the word!

Story in Hamodia’s Sukkos supplement and Jewish homeschool curriculum

My story, A Guest from Rome, is in Hamodia’s Sukkos Story Supplement. It’s historical fiction, set in Yavneh shortly after churban bayis sheini. Hope you enjoy it!

Are you homeschooling a Jewish preschooler or kindergartner? Our brand new Torah Adventure: Preschool and Kindergarten Curriculum Guide from Ani VeAmi is a really fun, interactive curriculum that integrates Judaic and secular subjects. I wish I had something like that when my kids were younger!

Stay healthy and well and have a wonderful Yom Tov!

Article in Kankan Journal and updates on Jewish homeschool curriculum

My article, The Jews of Narbonne: A Jewish Kingdom in France, is in the 12th issue of Kankan Journal.

Also, we’ve been working hard on making our Jewish homeschool curriculum website, Ani VeAmi, more user-friendly. Preschool and kindergarten curriculum materials are in the works. Elementary, middle grades, and high school curriculum is already available.

With the influx of Jewish homeschoolers this year, we hope it will make the transition easier. We’ve also partnered with the Charlotte Mason Plenary to offer private homeschooling consultations. If you know anyone planning to homeschool this coming school year, please spread the word!

Post on dyslexia and good Yom Tov!

Hope everyone is staying healthy and doing well. An unexpected consequence of the current pandemic is the increasing interest in homeschooling. I’ve been busy speaking to potential homeschoolers – some of whom would not have enterntained the thought a few months ago – and sharing what I’ve learned on my own homeschooling journey. I hosted a Zoom meeting for potential local Jewish homeschoolers and participated in two remote ones.

At Ani VeAmi, we’ve been busy creating and compiling resources for new homeschoolers. IY”H we’ll share some exciting updates soon. Meanwhile, here is a blog post I wrote about homeschooling children with dyslexia.

As we get ready for Shavuos in a world that is slowly opening up, I’d like to wish everyone a meaningful and enjoyable Yom Tov and Shabbos. I hope we can use what we’ve learned in the past couple of months – about the world, about ourselves, and about Hashem – to grow, come closer to Hashem, and receive the Torah anew with a deepened appreciation for it.

When Shuls Were Open But not for Torah Learning – article in Kankan Journal

My article, When Shuls Were Open But not for Torah Learning!: Justinian and the Jews is in the latest issue of Kankan Journal. It was very interesting to research. Hope you enjoy it!

Story in Hamodia Pesach Story Supplement and Article in Kankan Journal

Hope everyone is staying healthy and getting excited about Pesach. While I can’t solve the world’s problems, I can offer some reading material. My story, An Ancient Hope, is in Hamodia’s Pesach Story Supplement.

Also, my non-fiction article about the formation of the Jewish Quarter in Yerushalayim is in the current issue of Kankan Journal. It’s a first for me, and I really enjoyed writing it. (Incidentally, if you read both the story and the article, you’ll notice an overlap — both are based on the same research.)

Chag kasher vesameach to everyone!