Post on dyslexia and good Yom Tov!

Hope everyone is staying healthy and doing well. An unexpected consequence of the current pandemic is the increasing interest in homeschooling. I’ve been busy speaking to potential homeschoolers – some of whom would not have enterntained the thought a few months ago – and sharing what I’ve learned on my own homeschooling journey. I hosted a Zoom meeting for potential local Jewish homeschoolers and participated in two remote ones.

At Ani VeAmi, we’ve been busy creating and compiling resources for new homeschoolers. IY”H we’ll share some exciting updates soon. Meanwhile, here is a blog post I wrote about homeschooling children with dyslexia.

As we get ready for Shavuos in a world that is slowly opening up, I’d like to wish everyone a meaningful and enjoyable Yom Tov and Shabbos. I hope we can use what we’ve learned in the past couple of months – about the world, about ourselves, and about Hashem – to grow, come closer to Hashem, and receive the Torah anew with a deepened appreciation for it.

When Shuls Were Open But not for Torah Learning – article in Kankan Journal

My article, When Shuls Were Open But not for Torah Learning!: Justinian and the Jews is in the latest issue of Kankan Journal. It was very interesting to research. Hope you enjoy it!

Story in Hamodia Pesach Story Supplement and Article in Kankan Journal

Hope everyone is staying healthy and getting excited about Pesach. While I can’t solve the world’s problems, I can offer some reading material. My story, An Ancient Hope, is in Hamodia’s Pesach Story Supplement.

Also, my non-fiction article about the formation of the Jewish Quarter in Yerushalayim is in the current issue of Kankan Journal. It’s a first for me, and I really enjoyed writing it. (Incidentally, if you read both the story and the article, you’ll notice an overlap — both are based on the same research.)

Chag kasher vesameach to everyone!

Purim thought

A quick thought before we run out to hear the Megillah. As everyone else, my family has been anxiously following the news about the coronavirus pandemic that has caused so much disruption to people’s lives. While relatively few people are actually sick, pretty much everyone’s life has been affected in some way, whether by a canceled Purim party or inability to get together with beloved family members.

I can’t claim to manage a positive perspective on the situation. However, I can attempt to learn something from it. Perhaps we can come out of it with a renewed appreciation for our family and friends. In our busy lives, we tend to take them for granted. We tend to assume that we’ll be able to see them whenever we’d like. Perhaps we can appreciate the opportunities we have to get together and make extra efforts to stay in touch in between.

Another theme that strikes me these days is the role of the community in Jewish life. Our lives are interconnected, and we depend on each other both for physical and spiritual needs. With so many people spending Purim in isolation this year, forgoing some of its mitzvos for the sake of protecting other people in their community, perhaps we can renew our commitment to mitzvos bein adam lechaveiro, which are sometimes neglected in favor of mitzvos bein adam lemakom. Certainly, both categories of mitzvos are important. This pandemic is forcing us to reevaluate our attitudes towards the former, especially when we are prevented from performing them in the way we are used to. Purim is very much a communal holiday. But even after Purim, and G-d willing, once the pandemic is over, we can continue to reach out to those in our community who could use a smile and a visit, and just plain human contact.

Wishing a very happy Purim to everyone, and a refuah sheleima to everyone who needs it!

Two articles in Jewish Home

Two articles in Jewish Home this week:

Nefesh West Coast Brings Together Local Orthodox Mental Health Professionals


Los Angeles Delegates Urge Everyone to Vote in the WZO Elections

(If you haven’t voted in the WZO elections, please do!)

Have a wonderful Shabbos, and happy Purim!

Two inspiring articles in Jewish Home

I got to interview Eli Beer, the founder of United Hatzalah in Israel, and he was very inspiring! Here’s the article:

Follow Your Dream: Interview with Eli Beer, Founder of United Hatzalah

Another inspiring and informative event last week was the Chinuch of Today weekend:

Chinuch of Today Weekend Inspires and Empowers Local Parents and Teachers

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Articles in Jewish Home and Building Blocks

My article in Jewish Home on the local Siyum Hashas: Celebrating Torah Learning at the Los AngelesĀ Siyum HaShas. And mazel tov to all the mesaymim, my husband included!

My article on an amazing overnight program for children with autism is in Jewish Press’ Building Blocks supplement, on page 31.

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Story in Inyan and three articles in Jewish Home

My story, The Day of Nikanor, is in this week’s Hamodia’s Inyan Magazine. It’s Chanuka-themed in the sense that it takes place three years after the miracle of the oil, while Yehuda Hamaccabee is still the ruler of the Jewish people.

Three articles in Jewish Home this week:

OU West Coast Convention Brings the Community Together with Torah Learning

Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt Tells her Story as an Orthodox Female Journalist at Beth Jacob

Expo at BYLA Inspires and Educates

Good Shabbos, chodesh tov, and happy Chanuka!

Chanuka Musings: Above Reason

One of the themes of Chanuka is transcending logic — going above and beyond what logic dictates, doing things that “don’t make sense” out of a powerful feeling of love and loyalty.

This theme is also prominent in the story of Yosef and his brothers, which we read at this time of the year. There is an inherent connection between Yosef and Chanuka, which manifests itself in many ways. For one thing, the gematria of the name “Yosef” is equivalent to the gematrias of “Antiochus” and “melech Yavan” — king of the Greeks. Yosef represents the antithesis of the Greeks. Blessed with extraordinary beauty — Yosef is the only man in the Torah who is described as beautiful — he is able to elevate his beauty, as well as all physical possessions he comes across, and use it in the service of kedusha, holiness.(1)

But I’d like to focus on another aspect of Yosef’s story. Throughout the story, we see people do things that are logical, that make sense on the surface, yet never fail to draw a negative emotional response from us. At first, Yaakov presents Yosef with a special garment. Is there anything wrong with that? Well, Yosef was a good boy who listened to his father. As can be seen from the subsequent events, there certainly were aspects of Yosef’s personality that deserved recognition and praise, and Yaakov knew that Yosef was very special. And yet… Who doesn’t feel for Yosef’s brothers, who felt less appreciated and loved than Yosef?

Another aspect of the story is that Yosef would tell his father about everything his brothers were doing wrong. Objectively speaking, he might have had the brothers’ best interests in mind. He could have sincerely believed that by bringing those things to his father’s attention he was helping them become better people. And yet, who doesn’t have an instinctive aversion to “snitching?”

When Yosef told his brothers about his dreams, technically speaking, he didn’t do anything wrong. He felt that the dreams were prophetic and that he had a responsibility to deliver the message. But again, we feel for his brothers, who must have felt hurt and threatened.

When the brothers decide to sell Yosef, their decision is logical and sound. Yosef threatens their future as Jews. It would make the most sense to get rid of him once and for all. Yet we feel a maelstorm of emotions — how can anyone possibly sell their own brother?!

The turning point of the story comes when the brothers finally throw off their logic and heed something much greater — brotherly love, that inherent connection that binds them on a level above and beyond logic. When Binyamin is accused of stealing the goblet and condemned to a life of slavery, logically there is nothing to be said. The evidence is clear. The goblet was found in Binyamin’s sack. Justice calls for a fitting punishment.

And yet, the brothers don’t concede to strict logic. They come to Yosef and ask him to set Binyamin free. On what basis? They don’t have any evidence to prove that Binyamin didn’t commit the crime. They don’t have any logical arguments in favor of mitigating the punishment. All they have is their love for their brother Binyamin, and by extention, their love for Yosef, as they acknowledge at that moment that they had been wrong in selling him — not because their logic had been faulty, but because Yosef had cried out and they did not have pity on him.

That is when, overcome by emotion, Yosef reveals himself to his brothers, and they begin to rebuild their relationship, connected not by logic, but by a much deeper sense of love and loyalty.

Let’s return to the story of Chanuka. The Greeks were the masters of logic. What they spread throughout the world and attempted to bring to the Jews made a lot of sense. And yet… The impeccable logic of the Greeks could not withstand the powerful force of love and loyalty that the Jewish people felt towards their G-d.

Resisting the Greeks made no logical sense. Objectively speaking, taking on their enormous professional army was suicidal. And yet, a small group of faithful Jews discarded logic and went to war. And miraculously, they won.

When the Jews returned to the Beis Hamikdash and couldn’t find any pure oil, logically speaking, they could have used the impure oil to light the menorah. The halacha states clearly that it is permissible under such circumstances. Yet, we instinctively cringe at such a possibility.

And Hashem responded in kind. He performed a miracle that, strictly speaking, wasn’t necessary. But Hashem’s love for the Jewish people is also above and beyond logic. No matter how far we stray, He still loves us unconditionally, and He expressed this love in the beautiful miracle of the oil, which we celebrate to this day.

As we light our Chanuka candles, perhaps we can get in touch with that powerful feeling of unconditional love — for Hashem, no matter what challenges we face in life, and for all of our brothers and sisters, whether literal or those we are related to by virtue of being part of the Jewish people.

Getting along with siblings is not always easy. Logically speaking, we might be absolutely sure that our brother or sister is very wrong — whether religiously, politically, medically, or in any other area. And yet… All of those disagreements become insignificant in the face of brotherly love.

Happy Chanuka!

P.S. Incidentally, my Chanuka trilogy was originally entitled Above Reason, as that is the overarching theme of the novels. My publisher thought that title wasn’t exciting enough, so I named the books Swords and Scrolls, Spies and Scholars, and Secret and Sacred.

(1) Rabbi Aryeh Pinchas Strickoff. Inside Chanukah. Feldheim, 2012, pages 418-420.

SimXa Shabbaton and parenting inspiration – Jewish Home articles

Two articles in Jewish Home this week:




And heads up: Chanuka story coming up in Inyan’s Chanuka issue, IY”H.

And a friendly reminder: please review my Chanuka books on Amazon and recommend them to family and friends :).

Have a wonderful Shabbos!