My Rosh Hashana story in this week’s Inyan

Part 1 of my story, Rosh Hashana in Yavneh, is in this week’s Hamodia’s Inyan Magazine. Part 2 should be in next week’s, IY”H.

Kesiva vechasima tova and shana tova to everyone!!

My article about southern Lebanon’s history

Southern Lebanon, which is currently a hotbed of terrorism, is part of Eretz Yisrael and was supposed to be included in the State of Israel. See more in my latest article on

A History of Southern Lebanon

Parts 2 and 3 of the archeology of King David series

Here’s part 2:

Archeological Echoes of David’s Flight from Saul

And here’s part 3:

Archeological Echoes of David in Jerusalem

My article about a Holocaust diary written in a barn

My latest article on

Legacy of Jewish Resilience Passed Along through a Woman’s Diary

Hope you find it inspiring!